Thursday May 13th
4:00 p.m.
Evergreen Park (700 E. Fleming Dr.)
*bring a snack to share or just come!*
Please let moms that work or can't make Wednesday morning play dates know about this. Even if you come on Wednesdays, you can still come to this one too! I tried doing this PM playdate before and it wasn't so successful, but hopefully you all can get the word out. I don't want anyone left out! This will only be every other week.
BACK UP PLAN: My house. 129 S 920 E
Wednesday May 19th
Discovery Park in Pleasant Grove
4:00 p.m.
Evergreen Park (700 E. Fleming Dr.)
*bring a snack to share or just come!*
Please let moms that work or can't make Wednesday morning play dates know about this. Even if you come on Wednesdays, you can still come to this one too! I tried doing this PM playdate before and it wasn't so successful, but hopefully you all can get the word out. I don't want anyone left out! This will only be every other week.
BACK UP PLAN: My house. 129 S 920 E
Wednesday May 19th
Discovery Park in Pleasant Grove
Way to keep up playgroup cass! I am continuing it out here and kaden and I are starting up a music class! =) MIss you guys! Hope all is well. Glitter toes when I come back. And tell your friends Ryan said he likes this color the best out of all the colors I have gotten =)